OnePay Cheque Cashing

Cash your cheques efficiently and reliably

Cheques cashing

Received a cheque from HMRC?

Got a cheque to cash, no problem. It’s easy as 1,2,3

OnePay PAYG & Active account holders can cash cheques directly into their OnePay account in 3 easy steps:

Cheques are cashed and credited to your account within 3-5 working days following receipt. 



You’ve made an income tax refund claim – HMRC will issue the cheque, made out to you at your preferred mailing address


Once you’ve received the cheque – simply write your name and OnePay Customer Number* on the back of the cheque


Mail the cheque to OnePay mail address: OnePay, Mayfield House, Lower Railway Road, Ilkley, LS29 8FL

*To find out your OnePay Customer Number, just check the app, desktop portal or back of your OnePay card
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